The website is owned by Datatrans Ltd, a Swiss company with Tax ID Number CHE-100.847.043 MWST, registered at the Trade Registry of Zurich under the number CH-400.3.008.700-8, with registered office at Kreuzbühlstrasse 26, CH-8008 Zürich (Switzerland), whose administrative board is formed by: Thomas Willenborg, Daniel Ellersiek, Oliver Heister.
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The website is owned by Datatrans Ltd, a Swiss company with Tax ID Number CHE-100.847.043 MWST, registered at the Trade Registry of Zurich under the number CH-400.3.008.700-8, with registered office at Kreuzbühlstrasse 26, CH-8008 Zürich (Switzerland), whose administrative board is formed by: Thomas Willenborg, Daniel Ellersiek, Oliver Heister.
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