Alipay is China's biggest mobile payment app. The app allows users to pay friends and family without needing bank accounts, while also offering instant transfers and low fees. In addition to China, Alipay has expanded to over 300 cities worldwide and boasts more than 1.3 billion registered users.
It is easy
You can use Alipay anywhere, even if there isn't an ATM nearby
Alipay uses biometrics to verify transactions. So, no matter what happens, you'll never lose access to your funds
You don't need to worry about carrying around a lot of cash
You can set up recurring payment plans
With Alipay, you can complete transactions quickly
Learn more: Alipay, what is it and how it works
Alipay is China's biggest mobile payment app. The app allows users to pay friends and family without needing bank accounts, while also offering instant transfers and low fees. In addition to China, Alipay has expanded to over 300 cities worldwide and boasts more than 1.3 billion registered users.
It is easy
You can use Alipay anywhere, even if there isn't an ATM nearby
Alipay uses biometrics to verify transactions. So, no matter what happens, you'll never lose access to your funds
You don't need to worry about carrying around a lot of cash
You can set up recurring payment plans
With Alipay, you can complete transactions quickly
Learn more: Alipay, what is it and how it works