Payments Portal
User Guide
Version 1.0 – 01 March 2023
This document contains confidential, trade secret information, which is proprietary to Planet Payment,
Inc., and its affiliates (collectively “Planet”) and is provided solely for the recipient’s use in connection with
the recipient’s use of Planet’s services. Planet reserves the right to make changes to specifications at any
time and without notice. The information furnished by Planet in this publication is believed to be accurate
and reliable as of the date of its release; however, no responsibility is assumed by Planet for its use, nor
for infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use, nor for the violation,
misinterpretation, or misapplication of any laws, or any regulation of any card association including Visa
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and Planet Payment®, are registered trademarks of Planet. ©2023 Planet Payment, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Version history
Version Date Modification(s)
1.0 March 01, 2023 Analysis and content merging of deprecated Payments Portal documents
Content conversion to the Planet template
Minor content enhancement
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Table of contents
Version history 3
Table of contents 4
1. Overview 6
1.1 Login 6
1.2 Home Page 8
1.3 Top Menu 10
2. Payment Gateway 11
2.1 Overview 11
2.2 Authorizations 11
2.1 Transactions 12
2.2 Completions 14
2.3 Floor Limit 14
2.4 Create a New Refund or Payment 15
3. Online Payments 17
3.1 Overview 17
3.2 Transactions 17
3.3 Refunds 18
3.4 Pay By Link 18
3.4.1 Add Pay By Link 19
3.4.2 Pay By Link detail fields 20
3.4.3 Pay By Link optional detail fields 21
4. Virtual Terminal 22
4.1 Overview 22
4.2 Transactions 22
4.1 Authorize 23
4.2 Pay 23
4.3 Settle 24
5. Token 25
6. My Services 26
6.1 My Reports 26
6.1.1 Report types 26
6.2 My Invoices 29
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Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
6.2.1 My Invoices highlights 30
6.3 Master Account 31
6.3.1 Overview 31
6.3.2 Create Basic User “View Only” access 32
6.3.3 Create Advanced User “Read and Write” access 33
6.3.4 Online Payments (website reservations) 34
6.3.5 Edit user account settings 35
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
1. Overview
The payments portal provides a comprehensive view of all payment data processed through Planet
gateway services.
We provide all merchants with a user-friendly web portal to manage transactions and reconcile data
with reporting tools.
The portal is accessible via any online device and offers instant access to real-time transaction data.
With up to 3 years of history, the portal supports faster and more accurate reconciliation to support
business management.
The portal is supported by the following minimum browser requirements:
Google Chrome
1.1 Login
1) Access the portal via the internet using the URL:
2) Click on Please log in to begin or Login using SSO depending on your company setup SSO (Single Sign
On) is only available for specific merchants and would need to be configured by Planet Customer Support
team. Most general users should ignore SSO and click Please log in to begin.
3) Enter the Username and Password provided by Planet Customer Support team.
Passwords require a minimum of ten (10) characters with at least one numeric, one alpha Character, and
one special character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\( ) { }[]:; " '<>,.?/.).
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Passwords will expire after 90 days. The user will be forced to change the password upon expiration and log
in with the new password. New passwords must be different from the previous twenty-four (24).
Passwords cannot be changed more than once per day.
If a user has an active account but has forgotten their password, it can be reset by clicking Reset
password. If a user has forgotten their username, they should contact Planet support. The following error
message will pop up.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Customer ID info must be entered on this login screen. This information will be sent by the master user
at the merchant location for the first login with credentials. If incorrect, the user will be prompted to retry
or contact Planet support. Users are locked out of the portal after three failed sign-in attempts and must
reset their password. Contact for assistance.
1.2 Home Page
The Home Page displays menu options to access information about Payment Gateway, Online
Payments, Virtual Terminal, Tokens, and My Services. Each category has menu options specific to that
category. These are described in detail throughout the guide.
On the Home Page, the user and merchant’s name will appear in the banner at the top right of the
screen. Select “Contact” at the top right corner to locate customer support information by country.
Additional User guides can be found on the top of the right side of the page.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
The following screen displays the latest release information, including version and release notes.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
1.3 Top Menu
The tabs at the top of the Home Page represent different functionalities in the portal. Some data may
not be available to all users. The tabs displayed are based on user permissions for each merchant.
On the Home Page, the merchant’s name will appear in the banner at the top right of the screen in
addition to the center.
Release highlights can be found in the center of the screen.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
2. Payment Gateway
2.1 Overview
In the payment gateway tab, users will find card present Point Of Sale transactions and authorization
By clicking on each item in the drop-down menu, users can access the detail for each transaction
2.2 Authorizations
This will allow the user to view a page showing all real-time authorizations from the payment gateway
Below is an example of POS Authorisations results for “Today.” Additional filters can be applied to
narrow down transactions returned in the query.
Filters and actions shown here are user permissions based. User types include: basic, read-only,
advanced, master, etc.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Merchants with several locations and multiple countries can click the Location button magnifying glass
icon on the right side at the top of these pages to specify locations where they want to view report data.
Again, the ability to view this data is dependent on user permissions management.
2.1 Transactions
Transactions allows the user to view a page showing all transactions uploaded from the payment
gateway server and have reached our invoicing system. It displays the final settlement reconciliation
record for the transactions approved during a business day. It will run next day early morning (T+1)
between the Planet payment transaction host and the merchant acquirer bank. Your acquiring bank will
process and collect the funds from the card-issuing banks to pay the funds for the card payments to the
The authorizations and transactions screens allow users to initiate several follow-up actions based on
individual authorization events, including: new payments, new refunds, new authorizations, and view
receipts. This will be available to merchants who are enabled with online payments.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Users who do not have online payments or e-commerce enabled will see refund, reversal, and view
receipts only.
The EMV Terminal page supports filtering at the top by Terminal ID. This shows all terminal details and
information for deployed hardware in the merchant locations.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
2.2 Completions
This will allow the user to view a real-time page showing all transactions uploaded from the payment
gateway server. There is no delay between the actual transaction posting and the transaction rendered
visible online.
Shown below are the Completion results for “Today” filter. Users can choose any date to search by.
Apply the first six or the last four card digits, a specific date, or card type to find the transaction.
The completions tab allows merchants to verify and confirm if a payment has gone through online and
settled towards Planet transaction host.
The ability to export data into reports is available on the left side at the top in PDF, CSV, and MS Excel
formats for each report screen.
2.3 Floor Limit
This section shows offline transactions which have been declined at your parking facility. To view this
section, select the Floor Limit tab under Payment Gateway. Search by date by selecting either Today or
Custom from the date drop-down menu, choose the desired range, and click the Search button. The date
searched by is the Payment Gateway Upload Date.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
If multiple locations are enabled on your login, you can select a specific one from the drop-down menu
on the right, or this can be left on Select, which returns results from all locations.
The results show two date fields, Shift Date and Transaction Date. Shift Date is the date the transaction
was accepted at the parking equipment. Transaction Date is the date our systems last re-attempted to
authorize the transaction.
2.4 Create a New Refund or Payment
If the functionality is enabled, you can create a new refund or payment from an existing transaction
without having access to the entire card data.
From the transaction page, choose one of the following from the drop-down menu:
New Pay Create a new transaction based on existing transactions. Once New Pay is selected from the
drop-down menu, click the green check mark.
New Refund Create a new refund from a particular transaction. Once New Refund is selected from the
drop-down menu, click the green check mark.
Once completed, the page shows the credit card number and expiration date already entered.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
User Data (1) and User Data (2) can be used to enter comments used subsequently for auditing
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
3. Online Payments
3.1 Overview
Once logged in to the Portal, select the Online Payments tab. You can search for transactions using
the date drop-down and choose a period using the calendars.
3.2 Transactions
In the Online Payments tab, e-commerce merchant users will find reporting for e-commerce
transactions, including both those made online and those initiated utilizing the Pay by Link product.
The Transactions shows transactions that have been processed for payment. It also allows the issue
of a full or partial refund from a previously processed transaction without having access to card data.
Actions can be found on the online payments transactions view, such as reversals, refunds, new
payments (sales), preauthorization, captures, and view the receipt for users who are allowed these
To refund a transaction, use the search option at the top of the transaction screen and search by the
last four numbers of the credit card and the authorization date. Choose Refund from the drop-down menu
under Actions and click the tick.
If the Refund follows the Online process, the following window is displayed, where the amount to refund
must be entered. Click Yes to submit the refund for processing.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
If the refund follows the Offline process, the following window is displayed. Enter the amount to refund
and click Yes to submit the refund for processing.
User Data (1) and User Data (2) can be used to enter comments used subsequently for auditing
3.3 Refunds
Refunds allow you to see all the refunds made, whether invoiced or not. To access Refunds, you must
have the appropriate permission.
3.4 Pay By Link
Pay By Link allows merchants to set up payments and provide a secure URL link to their customers
to execute payments. When the customers click the link, they are redirected, via a browser, to a secure
payment page to complete the payment. The merchant can provide the link to the customer through
email, text message SMS, among other methods.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
The user must have
permission to add or edit a Pay By Link.
Pay By Link lists all Pay By Links associated with the CustomerID login. The list can be filtered using
the column headers.
Select the desired Pay By Link from the list to check the details. Click the correspondent Edit button
available on the left side of each entry. The details are populated at the bottom of the screen.
After selecting a Pay By Link in the list, the details are populated in the fields at the bottom of the
3.4.1 Add Pay By Link
To add a new Pay By Link, click the ADD button at the bottom of the screen. This page allows users
to enter all necessary data to create a new Pay By Link.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
It is also possible to view Pay By Link details if they are connected to Online transactions. To filter out
the rows containing only Pay By Links, tick the Show Advanced Search Field checkbox and PaybyLink.
The resulting rows will have a new action, View PaybyLink. Selecting this action shows the PaybyLink
detail (read-only).
3.4.2 Pay By Link detail fields
PaybyLinkIDThis is the unique identifier used to process payments on 3C systems.
URLThe merchant needs to provide this URL to their customer to facilitate payment.
eMerchantThis is the eMerchant account used by 3C iPage to process the payment.
Type A PaybyLink can be of type Single (only one payment is allowed) or Multiple (allows the customer
to perform multiple payments with the same PaybyLinkID.
Status Indicates the current status of the Pay By Link. Active allows payment processing; Complete
indicates a successful payment for Type Single.
CurrencyThe currency to perform the transaction.
AmountThe Amount of the transaction.
LanguageThe template language presented to the customer, if supported by the portal.
The PBL page service action to be performed.
3DS, 3DSPay Perform a Three D Secure payment where possible. 3DSAuthorise Perform a Three D Secure
authorization where possible. Pay Perform a payment.
Authorise Perform an authorization.
CreateToken Validate card data only and return a token
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Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Available service actions are dependent on your account configuration.
RequesterRefNo The merchant’s unique payment reference is available on payments reporting.
UserDataThese fields can provide additional merchant reference data.
Template This identifies which template is used to process the payment. The default value should be
used; available templates depend on your account configuration.
OptionFlags Reserved for future use; your integration manager will let you know if this field is required.
Username The user that created/modified the Pay By Link.
Active Ensure that the box is checked for Active. Otherwise, the recurring payment will not be active, and
the transactions will not be created.
3.4.3 Pay By Link optional detail fields
These fields are optional and are dependent on your account configuration. These values can default
as part of the template.
post_url_success, post_url_fail The URL Planet invokes success/failure; this is a Host to Host message the
customer browser is not involved.
redirect_approved, redirect_declined, redirect_error The URL Planet redirects the customer’s browser to.
merchant_script_data[n] These values can be used to customize what is displayed to the customer. Values
entered here in conjunction with the template configuration transform the payment page displayed to the
Use an easily identifiable
to allow you to keep track of your Pay by Links.
User Data (1-5) are reference fields. For example,
User Data (1)
can be used for a facility or other
reference parameter. Data entered in these fields will be included in each transaction and are
essential for data mining. This must also be kept consistent for all entries.
If you only expect one payment, always select
; the status can always be set back to
active to allow future payments.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
4. Virtual Terminal
4.1 Overview
The Virtual Terminal tab drop-down menu displays reporting for transactions initiated via the Virtual
The Virtual Terminal is a web-driven application that allows users to process card transactions without
requiring a physical terminal. Users can enter card details directly on the screen to process
authorizations, and sales, issue refunds, and settle (complete) transactions using a valid authorization
code obtained separately. Minimal card details are required, and reference data can be optionally
entered to note specifics about the payment for accounting purposes.
4.2 Transactions
Transactions tab allows you to see the history of all Virtual Terminal transactions processed. There are
three actions you can also initiate from this menu:
New Pay Create a new transaction based on existing transactions. Once you have selected New Pay
from the drop-down, click the green check mark to complete the transaction.
New RefundCreate a full or partial refund from a particular transaction. After you select New Refund and
click the green check mark, it initiates the refund and takes you to a payment screen. By default, the total
transaction amount is populated; for partial repayment, enter the new amount and click Submit.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
View Receipt Select View Receipt from the drop-down to view the original receipt issued in a transaction.
Select View Receipt via the drop-down, and click the green check mark to see the receipt. From this view,
you can print the receipt or highlight the receipt and CTRL-C/CTRL-V {copy & paste} into another
Transactions can be sorted by clicking on the desired column heading. For instance, clicking on the
Card Type column header sorts all transactions by card type. By default, all transactions are sorted by
Transaction Date.
The Search menu at the top right of the Transactions page allows you to search your historical
transactions by Date, Card Number, or Status.
supports wild cards, which is helpful if you don’t have the whole card number. For example,
if you have the last
four digits of the card and would like to search by them, simply put %xxxx, where you
replace the x’s with the actual numbers.
4.1 Authorize
Authorize can be used when you need to hold an amount available for capture later on an account
without actually charging the cardholder.
Once you have completed the Authorization, you can capture the amount in the Transactions menu.
Locate your previous authorized request, and select Capture from the drop-down menu. Click the green
checkbox to initiate the capture request up to the initial authorized amount.
Refund function allows you to refund a cardholder.
4.2 Pay
Pay allows you to create a charge. If the request is authorized, it is automatically captured at the end
of the business day.
There are three mandatory fields to process a credit card transaction, the full Card No., Expiration
Date, and Amount. It is strongly recommended to complete at least the Security Code and zip code.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Reference Data fields, User Data (1) & User Data (2), are reference fields for your transactions. These
fields are populated by you, and an example of how to use these fields would be to insert a customer or
business name in User Data (1) and a transaction note in User Data (2).
Once you have filled in the data, click, Submit to initiate the transaction. A window is displayed once
the transaction is completed.
4.3 Settle
Settle feature allows you to complete a transaction using a valid Authorization Code.
Enter the required fields, including the Authorization Code, and click Submit.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
5. Token
The Token tab drop-down menu offers a list of tokens stored for the merchant to view and select from
(Tokens). The Create Token feature allows users to create new tokens for customers instead of storing
sensitive card data.
Users can take actions from the list of tokens, including retrieving, searching, and managing the token
data, initiating new payments, new authorizations, and refunds to customers. Refer to Chapter 3, Virtual
Terminal, for more information.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
6. My Services
6.1 My Reports
Under the My Services tab, users can view a reporting module, My Reports, for more detailed daily
transaction summary reporting by product. This allows users to generate various reports which can be
viewed for an individual location or for all locations associated with the Customer ID that can be exported
to excel, PDF, or CSV.
My Reports supports three custom date stamps to search and generate a report:
1) Invoice Date = the date when funds are sent to the acquirer, typically transaction date +1
2) Shift Date = business date stamp of the merchant (24-hour business day)
3) Transaction Date = actual transaction timestamp date itself
6.1.1 Report types
Users can generate reports by revenue center with customized hierarchies. There are many reports
with different options available. Reports are configured against your login based on the account type and
services. The following table contains a list of the most common reports and a brief description of their
Table 1 My Reports Options
Report Description
Daily Summary & Detail
Provides a daily summary of transactions processed, broken down by location, card type,
and currency. It also includes a separate page showing each transaction per location.
Daily DCC Summary &
Same as the "Daily Summary & Detail" but also provides a summary breakdown by card
entry mode, DCC capability, and currency selected.
Daily POS Terminal
Summary and Detail
Provides a daily summary of transactions processed, broken down by Terminals, card
type, and currency. It also includes a separate page showing each transaction per
Terminal and Location.
Credit Card Search Provides a list of all credit card transactions matching the given search criteria.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Report Description
Monthly Summary
Provides a summary for a given month of transactions processed, broken down by per
day, location, card type, and currency. It also provides a monthly total for the period by
card type.
Daily Detail Export (CSV)
Provides a list of all transactions for a given date which can be easily exported to CSV
Daily Fee Summary
Provides a daily summary of transactions processed, broken down by location and including
various fees such as Merchant handling fees, SIX Payment Services handling fees, and VAT.
Daily InvRun Summary
Provides a daily summary of transactions processed, broken down by location, InvRun
number, card type, and currency.
Refund Transaction Search Provides a list of all refund transactions matching the given search criteria.
Weekly Payment Summary
Provides a list of payment amounts by location, which were deposited, along with the
corresponding shift date they relate to.
Refund/Debit Credit Card
Provides a list of all refunded transactions and the corresponding debit, matching the search
Daily Summary Export (CSV)
Provides a summary of transactions processed, broken down by customer, location, card
type, and currency for a given date, on a single line, which can be easily exported to CSV
The Management tab offers a daily summary report for Card Present and Card Not Present
Transactions altogether.
If separate reports are preferred, those can be downloaded from each corresponding tab channel for
Card Present or Card Not Present.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
If users are looking for a specific credit card transaction history, the Utility tab supports a credit card
search function with the first four or last six digits of the credit card number or by entering the authorization
After clicking on any of the reports, the screen below is displayed.
Select the Location by Invoice date, shift date, or Transaction date and by a specific date or a user-
defined period. Below is an extract report output.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
6.2 My Invoices
This chapter highlights how to view invoices. Once logged in to the Portal, select the My Invoices tab
under My Services.
From here, you can search for invoices by using the Location and Year drop-down.
My Invoices shows invoices for our services, which have been generated. Invoices can be viewed for
an individual location or all locations associated with your Customer ID if you have more than one location.
Start by selecting a location from the Location drop-down menu.
Search for all available invoices by leaving the Year option as [ALL] or select the “browse more…”
option to get a list of all available years for which invoices are available.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Click the View Invoices button to generate a list of available invoices that match the criteria.
6.2.1 My Invoices highlights
You can view or download invoices from the list of invoices displayed by clicking on the Invoice No
field for the corresponding invoice. Your web browser may prompt you to open or save the file. If you wish
to view the invoice once, you can choose open; if you want to save it on your computer, you should select
the save option.
If you are having trouble
viewing the invoices, ensure you have the latest version of the Adobe PDF reader,
which can be downloaded from
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
6.3 Master Account
This chapter’s purpose is to give the Master User assistance to create a Basic User with View Only
access or/and an Advanced User with Read and Write access in the Portal. Read and Write access will
allow users to execute refunds and authorization reversals.
6.3.1 Overview
The Master Account page offers merchants user management within the portal, including assigning
and editing user permissions. Master Account allows the user to add, edit and delete other users assigned
to any Customer ID associated with the login.
Once logged in to the portal, select Master Account in the My Services tab menu.
It is recommended to use at least Internet Explorer 8 or higher version to view this page.
By default, when you load the Master Account section, a grid shows all users currently assigned to
the Customer ID, including all child Customer IDs you are logged in with.
Once Planet has created a hierarchy, admins can be assigned to specific sub-accounts (child
customer IDs). Each merchant location is attached to its customer ID (child customer ID). Master User
A Master User can create new users, edit user details, delete users, and refine actions and specific
permissions for each user. The Master User account functionality allows Master Users to manage their
team of users and prevents extra Setup costs. Planet can supply one or more Master User accounts.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
The Master
cannot create, add, edit, or delete any other
. This action is performed
6.3.2 Create Basic User – “View Only” access
The Basic User has the most limited role. The Basic User View, Only rights setup, allows the user to
access predefined permissions.
1) In the Master Account menu, click ADD new user.
Unique Username
Contact namefull name of the actual user
Emailmandatory, used to request a new password or reset password
Master Account displays options in the configuration section that allows you to set the permissions
and actions for each user on the corresponding areas of the Portal.
2) Assign the user to the required account access level.
Select from the CustomerID the existing account to which you want to link the user. Set the account
to Active for new users or as Locked if not required anymore.
ActiveThis determines whether the account is online and allowed to be used. The user cannot log
in to the Portal if this box is inactive.
Locked This indicates whether an account has been locked out. This might be due to several
incorrect login attempts by the user, or they have not logged in within a specific time frame, and
therefore the account becomes locked as a security precaution.
three failed passcode attempts, the password is locked for 20 minutes. The option to reset the
password via E
-mail is available on the Portal login page.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
3) Set required permissions for a Basic User View Only.
View Only users shall only have access to Permissions Authorization, Transactions, and Completions.
Do not attribute any of the Actions.
4) Permissions
Authorizations This will allow the user to view a page showing all real-time authorization from their
PlanetIntegra server.
Transactions This will enable the user to view a page showing all transactions uploaded from their
PlanetIntegra server and reached our invoicing system.
Completion This will allow the user to view a page showing all transactions uploaded from their
PlanetIntegra server in real-time.
Duplicate - Reversal - Floor Limit depends on the product type and acquiring bank set-up. Consult
your Planet support before using these options.
6.3.3 Create Advanced User “Read and Write” access
1) Click the Payment Gateway menu bar to set up permissions.
2) Click Authorization, Transactions, and Completions as standard Permissions.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Authorizations This allows the user the view a page showing all real-time authorization from their
Planet server.
Transactions This allows the user to view a page showing all transactions uploaded from their Planet
server and reached our invoicing system.
Completion This allows the user to view a real-time page showing all transactions uploaded from
their Planet server.
3) Go to Actions in the menu bar below and click Reverse and Refund to set up standard Actions.
Reverse This allows the user to reverse an authorization on the authorizations page, which the
payment processor has not yet captured.
RefundThis allows the user to refund a transaction on the transactions page.
Not all acquiring banks support these online actions. If your Master
has any actions granted, it is
supported for your set
6.3.4 Online Payments (website reservations)
This product is only enabled if purchased from Planet
1) Click Online Payments to set up permissions in the Portal menu.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
2) Click Transactions as standard Permissions.
Transactions This allows users to view a page of all real-time transactions using their Web2Pay
system. Go to Actions in the menu bar below and click AuthoriseReverse to set up standard Actions.
AuthoriseReverseThis allows the user to reverse an authorization in the Authorize Approved status
on the transactions page.
6.3.5 Edit user account settings
Within the grid, you can see brief information about each user, including the Customer ID the account
is assigned to and whether the account is Locked, Active, or a Master Account. Under actions, you can
find Edit and Delete options.
option deletes the user account, which cannot be undone from the
Editloads the user details into the configuration section of the page, allowing you to make changes
as required. Edit function also allows the user to Edit the password. When you are done making your
changes, click the Update button for the changes to take effect.
Clone allows you to create a new user with the same permissions and settings as the user you clicked
clone. A username, email address, and customer ID must be provided.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023