4. Integrated Payments
4.1 Preauthorisation
1. A preauthorisation triggered from the POS will populate on the terminal
2. CardholdershouldcompletePreauthwithChip&PIN,ContactlessorSwipe
- Wait for response
3. ApprovalconrmationandAuthorisationcodeisdisplayedonscreen
4.2 Sale with Tip
1. A Sale triggered from the POS will populate on the terminal, and prompt for
2. Once Tip is managed, the Sale amount will appear
- CardholdershouldcompleteSalewithChip&PIN,ContactlessorSwipe
3. Wait for response
4. ApprovalconrmationandAuthorisationcodeisdisplayedonscreen
1. 2.
3. 4.
2. 2.
12Ingenico Lane/3000 User Guide