PAX A920
User Guide
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
Table of contents
1. Switching on the A920 terminal ....................................................................................................................... 2
2. A920 terminal main menu ............................................................................................................................... 3
3. Sale and Refund ............................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Preauthorisation (Preauth) .............................................................................................................................. 5
Retrieving the Preauth and Completion ....................................................................................................... 6
5. Tip/Gratuity ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Dynamic Currency Conversion........................................................................................................................ 7
7. Alipay and WeChat Pay ................................................................................................................................... 8
8. Transaction Inquiry ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Reverse a Sale ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Reverse a Refund ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Password .................................................................................................................................................... 9
9. Shift .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
10. Print ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
11. Maintenance tips ........................................................................................................................................ 12
A920 terminal battery life .......................................................................................................................... 14
Wi-Fi Access Points ................................................................................................................................... 14
Ethernet via terminal cradle ....................................................................................................................... 14
A920 terminal paper rolls .......................................................................................................................... 12
A920 Terminal accessibility [UK only] ........................................................................................................ 13
Configurable enhancements...................................................................................................................... 14
12. List of payment related reject errors and their meanings ............................................................................. 15
13. Transaction reject codes and errors ............................................................................................................ 16
14. Contact us .................................................................................................................................................. 18
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
1. Switching on the A920 terminal
Power On: Press and hold the Power button for 3 seconds until the LED beside the IC card slot is lit, to
indicate the terminal is initialising.
Power Off: Press and hold the Power button for 3 seconds until the shutdown menu appears, tap
Power off > Click Power off and then “shutting down….” appears as the terminal powers off.
Contactless card tap
Magnetic stripe
Power on/off button
Touch screen
Magnetic stripe
Front camera
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
2. A920 terminal main menu
Depending on the customer’s requirements in terms of functionality, the menu can have several
configurations. Unavailable functionality will appear ‘greyed out’ as in the example below.
cardholder account
Refund - credit money back to a
cardholders account
Preauth - reserves funds for a
future payment
Transaction Inquiry retrieve an
existing transaction to perform a
reversal and / or completion.
financial business
receipts for printing/reprinting
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
3. Sale and Refund
Once the operator has selected the Sale, Preauth, or Refund option, the screen will present an enter
amount screen.
After selecting the required option and entering the amount, the screen will present the option for the
cardholder to capture the card number by Presenting card (Contactless), Insert (Chip & PIN) or Swipe
(Magnetic Stripe).
Once the cardholder has completed the operation, the A920 terminal will go online for payment
authorisation (sale in progress) and will print the receipts once approved.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
4. Preauthorisation (Preauth)
If available in the Main Menu, the user can authorise to reserve funds from a cardholders account for a
future payment, following these steps:
To run the completion, or charge the cardholder with the Preauth, use the TransRef Number to
retrieve the Preauth.
This can be found on the Preauth receipt.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
Retrieving the Preauth and Completion
Use Option 4 in the Main Menu - Transaction Enquiry - to retrieve the Preauth and charge the
cardholder. To charge for the full Preauth amount is called Completion.
Firstly, Recall the Preauth.
Then choose Completion to charge the full Preauth amount.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
5. Tip/gratuity
Depending on the merchant’s requirements, the functionality to accept tips from cardholders on the
PAX A920 terminal can be enabled or disabled.
6. Dynamic Currency Conversion
Depending on the card presented for payment, the PAX A920 terminal will prompt for Dynamic
Currency Conversion (DCC) where the cardholder can select their preferred currency choice, for the
transaction to be completed.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
7. Alipay and WeChat Pay
a. Customer can select the wallet icon they wish to use.
b. The terminal will display a QR code for the customer to interact with.
Ask the customer to scan the code with their device.
c. After successful attempt there is a prompt to print the merchant receipt.
d. Prompt to print cardholder receipt.
Receipts can be reprinted from the “Print” option on the main menu.
8. Transaction Inquiry
In addition to running Preauths, this option can be used to retrieve transactions to:
Reverse a Sale
Reversal of a Sale can only be performed during the same financial business day/shift period. After a
shift has been closed only option is to perform a Refund.
Reverse a Refund
Reversal of a Refund can only be performed during the same financial business day/shift period. After
a shift has been closed only option is to perform a new Sale or charge.
To proceed with a Reversal, the operator will need to enter the transaction Reference Number found
on both the merchant and cardholder receipt.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
Upon entering the Reference Number, the terminal will display the possible options depending on the
original transaction.
For security purposes, the merchant has the option to set a multi-digit password which will be
prompted on the terminal when a Refund or reversal is attempted.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
9. Shift
The Shift option enables the merchant to close and open a shift at the end of the day.
The Shift reopen option closes the current shift, prints a summary of transactions taken on that
location and then opens the shift.
If there are multiple terminals on the same location, it is only necessary to reopen shift on one of the
The Print last receipt option prints another copy of the shift summary.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
10. Print
The print option allows the operator to print the Merchant, Cardholder or both Merchant & Cardholder
card receipts from the last transaction processed with the A920 terminal.
If the printer paper roll runs out, and a ‘Printer Issue’ screen is presented.
The operator will have the option to reload a paper roll, queue any receipts in the system and print
these queued receipts at a later date.
The A920 terminal requires at least 10% battery life in order to print receipts.
For any question relating to configurable enhancements please do not hesitate to contact Customer
Support: support@weareplanet.com
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
11. Maintenance tips
Follow these tips to maximise battery performance, extend battery life and experience the best
possible service from your A920 terminal:
A920 Terminal Battery Life
Ensure that whenever your A920 terminal is not being used it is returned to the terminal cradle to
If discharged the terminal batteries may take several hours to charge until full.
The terminal will be at optimum performance when all battery bars are showing on screen.
If the operator experiences issues printing receipts on the terminal, this could indicate that the
batteries are low on charge. In this case, the terminal needs to be returned to the cradle and remain
charging until at least two battery bars are showing on screen.
The A920 terminal can be configured with a sleep mode feature to extend battery life.
See below in ‘Configurable Enhancements.’
Wi-Fi Access Points
The A920 terminal is a Wi-Fi integrated device, and is used as a mobile terminal to be carried between
tables to customers. Depending on the merchant’s configuration and the Wi -Fi set -up at the
merchant’s premises, moving the terminal between different Wi-Fi access points could result in the
terminal losing connection.
Ethernet via Terminal Cradle
There are two types of A920 terminal cradle available:
Charging only and Charging with Ethernet connection.
The Charging with Ethernet cradle may be connected using an Ethernet cable. When the terminal is in
physical contact with the cradle it will switch from Wi-Fi to Ethernet but as soon as the terminal is
removed the Ethernet is lost and Wi-Fi will resume. The switchover to and from Wi-Fi and Ethernet
takes roughly 20 seconds.
If the Wi-Fi network is temporarily unavailable this provides a backup capability to complete a payment.
It is not intended for continual operation on the cradle as any movement such as being picked up by
cardholder to enter PIN will break the connection.
A920 Terminal Paper Rolls
Ensure that paper roll in terminals are regularly checked by operators and wherever possible do not
run out completely.
Should the till roll run out and card payments continue to be processed, once the till roll is replaced
again the terminal will print all the backed up transaction receipts.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
A920 Terminal Accessibility [UK only]
An Accessibility mode is available to allow blind or visually impaired cardholders to securely and
conveniently enter their PIN using the touchscreen keypad with audible tone and prompts. To aid this,
a screen bezel sticker with raised tactile markings to assist the cardholder should be used. This
applies to the UK market only.
Tactile Sticker for Screen Bezel
It is UK law that merchants must be informed of the responsibilities under The Equality Act 2010.
As part of the UK Finance approval of the PAX A920, a tactile sticker for the screen bezel has been
supplied with the device that should be applied first before use. This sticker is strongly recommended
by the RNIB to ad blind and partially sighted users using the accessibility mode to enter their PIN
More information on the accessibility solution can be found by scanning the QR code below, or on the
PAX website:
Fitting Instructions for the tactile sticker:
1. Remove adhesive backing from tactile sticker
2. Apply sticker to the lower half of the screen bezel, ensuring the tactile pips are oriented as below:
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
Configurable Enhancements
Sleep Mode
Sleep mode helps to extend the battery life, and maximise the charge of the terminal. During sleep
modes Wi-Fi connectivity will remain connected.
Two configurable modes are available:
Back Light sleep This mode reduces/dims the terminal backlight, so the keyboard lights will turn off.
Terminal Sleep This mode ensures that the terminal screen will appear off, and no keyboard lights
will be on.
The time in which the terminal enters into these modes can be configured by us, based on the
merchant’s request e.g. after 5 minutes.
The operator can awake the terminal in these modes by pressing the yellow button, which makes the
terminal operational again.
IMPORTANT: At the start of a shift, if sleep mode is enabled, the operator should press the yellow
button to allow the terminal to perform a daily TMS call.
This should be done before any payments are processed on the shift.
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
12. List of payment related reject errors and their meanings
What to do?
XU Host Unavailable
The payment terminal cannot
reach our transaction host
Please have your local Wi-Fi/
internet connection checked by
your IT
Contact your Customer Service
team for remote assistance
EMV Cancel
A problem occurred on the our
host during online processing
of a transaction, cause can be
the host or possibly also the
connection towards the
Contact your Customer Service
team for remote assistance
ENV Error
A problem occurred on the our
host during online processing
of a transaction, cause can be
the host or possibly also the
connection towards the
Contact your Customer Service
team for remote assistance
Card not accepted
The type of card is not
supported by the current
terminal setup
Please contact your finance
team. If wish to enable the card
type your Finance team will
need to contact their Sales
representative. In case Sales
contact not by hand, please
refer your Finance team to our
Customer Service team
Settle failure, shift is closed
A technical problem occurred
on our host side, preventing the
automatic shift open after the
3:00AM closure
Contact your Customer Service
team for remote assistance
Invalid terminal config
The terminal may have failed to
download configuration.
Configuration may be disabled.
Terminal may not be whitelisted
Try a config download
Contact your Customer Service
team for remote assistance
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
13. Transaction reject codes and errors
List of possible acquirer bank and card issuing bank response codes and their meanings.
Please contact the Authorisation of your Acquirer Bank for more precise info on a rejected card due to
one of the following codes 01 99
Code Meaning
00 Successful approval/completion or that VIP PIN verification is valid
01 Refer to card issuer
02 Refer to card issuer, special condition
03 Invalid merchant or service provider
04 Pickup
05 Do not honor
06 General error
07 Pickup card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card)
08 Honor with identification
09 Request in progress
10 Partial approval
11 VIP approval
12 Invalid transaction
13 Invalid amount (currency conversion field overflow) or amount exceeds maximum for card
14 Invalid account number (no such number)
15 No such issuer
16 Insufficient funds
17 Customer cancellation
19 Re-enter transaction
20 Invalid response
21 No action taken (unable to back out prior transaction)
22 Suspected Malfunction
25 Unable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from the inquiry
28 File is temporarily unavailable
30 Format error
41 Merchant should retain card (card reported lost)
43 Merchant should retain card (card reported stolen)
51 Insufficient funds
52 No checking account
53 No savings account
54 Expired card
55 Incorrect PIN
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58 Transaction not allowed at terminal
59 Suspected fraud
61 Activity amount limit exceeded
62 Restricted card (for example, in country exclusion table)
63 Security violation
65 Activity count limit exceeded
68 Response received too late
75 Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded
76 Unable to locate previous message (no match on retrieval reference number)
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
77 Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data are inconsistent
with original message
78 ’Blocked, first used’—The transaction is from a new cardholder, and the card has not been
properly unblocked.
80 Visa transactions: credit issuer unavailable. Private label and check acceptance: Invalid date
81 PIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption)
82 Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results
83 Unable to verify PIN
85 No reason to decline a request for account number verification, address verification, CVV2
verification; or a credit voucher or merchandise return
91 Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction)
92 Destination cannot be found for routing
93 Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law
94 Duplicate transmission
95 Reconcile error
96 System malfunction, System malfunction or certain field error conditions
PAX A920 Standalone User Guide
14. Contact Us
Need help?
If you have a technical issue or need support troubleshooting, please check the relevant
portal for assistance.
Our Global Support Team will be glad to help.
Visit www.weareplanet.com/support
The procedures included in the document are only valid for brand new terminals. Terminals
used beforehand may behave differently.